Home News Superstar Mahesh Babu Released Title Teaser Of Ashok Galla’s Debut Film With...

Superstar Mahesh Babu Released Title Teaser Of Ashok Galla’s Debut Film With Sriram Adittya Titled Hero

Superstar Mahesh Babu Released Title Teaser Of Ashok Galla’s Debut Film With Sriram Adittya Titled Hero

Superstar Krishna’s grandson, Mahesh Babu’s nephew and Guntur MP Jayadev Galla’s son Ashok Galla’s debut film being directed by Sriram Adittya and produced by Padmavathi Galla under Amara Raja Media & Entertainment gets an interesting title.

Mahesh Babu has released first look poster as well as title teaser of the film titled Hero and wished his nephew Ashok Galla all the best.

Ashok looks fit and handsome in the poster. A star symbol, gun, bullets and film roll can be seen in the poster.

The title teaser begins intriguingly as Ashok makes his entry as a cowboy and the train episode is expected to be one of the major highlights. Then, the young hero astonishes in the getup of Joker. In between, there are sequences of Ashok’s love story with Nidhi Agerwal. The teaser also has some intense actin blocks. But the best part is obviously the malicious smile of Ashok Galla in the end.

It’s just over one minute video, but Ashok Galla created a lasting impression showcasing all his acting prowess, kudos to director Sriram Adittya for bringing out the best in the young hero.

Sriram Adittya’s efforts can be witnessed in every frame, as the teaser looks very classy, and it appears to be a different attempt from the talented director. Top-notch production values, exceptional camera work and fascinating BGM by Ghibran which elevates the scenes gives extensiveness. The teaser has multiplied the expectations on the film.

Touted to be a different entertainer, Jagapathi Babu plays a vital role and Naresh, Satya, Archana Soundarya will be seen in supporting roles.

Chandra Sekhar Ravipati is the Executive Producer.

The film is almost done with its shoot part and is gearing up for theatrical release.

Cast: Ashok Galla, Nidhhi Agerwal, Jagapathi Babu, Naresh, Satya, Archana Soundarya

Story, Screenplay & Direction: Sriram Adittya T
Producer: Padmavathi Galla
Banner: Amara Raja Media & Entertainment
Executive Producer: Chandra Sekhar Ravipati
Music: Ghibran
Cinematography: Sameer Reddy, Richard Prasad
Art: A. Ramanjaneyulu
Editor: Prawin Pudi
Dialogues: Kalyan Shankar, A. R. Tagore
Costume Designer: Akshay Tyagi, Rajesh
PRO: BA RAJU, Vamsi-Shekar