The first season of ‘Mirzapur’, created by Puneet Krishna and directed by Gurmmeet Singh, went on to be one of the most watched and streamed web series. It featured Pankaj Tripathi, Vikrant Massey, Ali Fazal, Divyendu Sharma, Swetha Tripathi, Rasika Dugal and Kulbhushan Kharbanda. ‘Mirzapur’ premiered on the streaming platform in November 2018. The show’s second season’s upcoming chapter aims to depict the story of the violent world of Mirzapur which, when coupled with greed for power, changes people and asks for sacrifices. While the cast completed the shoot for the second run last year, the show was expected to be out in summer of 2020 but was reportedly delayed due to the coronavirus-induced nationwide lockdown.
Over the weekend, Shweta took to social media and shared how she had reached the studio with necessary precautions. “Lovers of Mirzapur, risking lives, wearing a mask, here we are, all smiles for the dubbing! Only and only so that the ‘bhaukaal’ comes to you soon,” she wrote. Actor Ali Fazal is dubbing for the second season of his web series Mirzapur from home amid the coronavirus pandemic. The actor, who plays the gangster Guddu Pandit in the crime-thriller, gave a sneak peek into his dubbing session for the Amazon Prime Video series, using headphones and tea strainer. “I am lending my voice from here, using a strainer. I have bluetooth,” Ali captioned his photo on Twitter.
Main yaheen se phek raha hoon aawaaz, chhanne se.. bluetooth hai.— Ali Fazal M / میر علی فضل / अली (@alifazal9) July 11, 2020